Frequently Asked Questions
No, you do not have to be naked when you visit. Even nudists have to get dressed to go to the store and run errands! However, the condo you're staying in is in a nudist community. People will be in various states of dress and undress and no one here really thinks twice about it. If you've never been naked in public before, we suggest going without clothes for one hour to start. Walk around your condo first. When you feel comfortable enough, then taka a walk around the neighborhood. It’s very freeing! Be sure you stay within The Paradise Lakes gates. Just because Pasco County is The Nudist Capital of the World doesn’t mean all Pasco residents are nudists!
Most first-timers adjust to social nudity in a matter of minutes and discover it’s not nearly as big a deal as they thought it would be.
Social Nudism, implies that one is nude in social situations. Being nude in social settings is a personal lifestyle choice.
It won't happen as much as your think. On the rare occasion where this occurs, cover up with a towel, turn over, or take a quick dip in the pool.
A naturist is one who practices naturism, also known as nudism.
Our condos are within Paradise Lakes Condo Association, and their rules state that all persons staying on premises longer than 7 days must be a practicing social nudist, and therefore, membership in a naturist association is required. We recommend you purchase your membership with NAPL (Neighborhood Association for Paradise Lakes, which is our AANR (American Association of Nude Recreation) local affiliate.
For the most part, yes. We do get visitors and not all of them are acquainted the nudist lifestyle. Always be aware of your surroundings. If you see something that doesn't look quite right, don't hesitate to call us.
No. Naked Pineapple Getaways reserves the right to change an additional $500 to clean your room if you do smoke inside our units. If you wish to quit smoking and improve your health, be sure to ask Traci about quitting smoking with hypnosis.
Yes. Each of our condos has a kitchen and refrigerator where you can bring in your own food and liquor. If you go to Paradise Lakes Resort with food, bottled water, or liquor, you will not be allowed to enter the club, or kicked out of the club if you are caught smuggling it in.
We do have a few children living within the Paradise Lakes Community, however, there are no activities for children. Paradise Lakes Resort caters to adults. For these reasons, we do not allow children to stay in our units.
We recommend starting with “I’m flattered, but I’m not interested.” The general rule is "No" means "NO." Everyone should feel comfortable. Behavior requiring an apology is not tolerated. If you receive an unwelcome advance outside the resort, call Doug or Traci. If this happens inside the resort, let Paradise Lakes Resort management know so steps can be taken to ensure it does not happen again.
Paradise Lakes bans all photography, videography, and drones. Nudists are not necessarily exhibitionists and want their business on social media. Before taking photos of anyone, ensure that all people in the photograph / video have given you permission. Drones of any kind are strictly prohibited.